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Make a top 10 list of your favorite practitioners in your field and consider what it is about their practice that you value
Jackson Pollock: His abstract style painting is inspirational and amusing to me. Respecting the process and leaving a bit of that mystery in his work is something I admire and enjoy weaving into my work. His use of color seem very unique. The use of primary colors really works in favor of it’s aesthetic. It is very different to the oil paintings during the 1950s. 
Marcel Duchamp: His work made out of readymade object is a very interesting method in art. The objects he choses and the reason why brings so many questions that may not have a definite answers to. I like how he makes critiques and artists question what art is and what it means. Does using found objects in art make it less art compared to an oil painting or a sculpture made of clay? Can anything be art by just stating is so? 
Ryan McGinley: He photographs a lot of youth related scenes in their habitat or orchestrated scenes. I am interested in such area and want to explore more and his work inspires me to do so. His work is very engaging to study or look at as its either relatable or exposes the vulnerability of youth. The way he photographs most of the candid is beautiful with a color gradient going over the series and is quite raw or just not staged with unnecessary objects and focuses on the subject. I think that speaks a lot and conveys a message and leaves the audience with nothing but the subject to focus on.  
Eric Pickersgill: His projects are supported with his writing (on heeyy website) an states his purpose and gives a bit of background or context which I really appreciate. Even though I like a bit of mystery and ambiguity in a few work, I like it when there’s an answer or a solid idea of message being conveyed through artworks. I find it interesting that his work themes around digital devices and smartphones specially. His series ‘Removed’ has so much impact as he eliminates the device off of the frames. This leaves me to ponder upon my actions and lets us view to what extent smartphones are being used in a particular place between a group of people. His style of photography is mostly black and white and is quite empowering while capturing the reality around us. 
Barbara Kruger: Her work consists of collages and typography. She makes work using monotones along with primary color red. They seem like new headlines, a few, which seems as though the text convey something important. Most of the time her work does touch upon social topics such as feminine body, and rights. The images chosen along with the minimal text compliments each other and shows the integrity and impact of the work she produces.  
Bani Abidi: A video artist who uses humor in her work. Her fun spirit in her work is truly inspiring and fun to watch. She makes simple things fun and interesting and that is not so easy to do. Her videos are not very cinematic and works very well with her day to day theme work or 'ideas'. I guess I just love the energy and vibe in and around her work. It reminds me to make art for fun and to enjoy the process. She also made work around the themes of borders and cultures which can be a sensitive topic. However she's used her fun spirit to make a fun video on it, conveying what goes through her head about these two different cultures but also an amusement for the audience regardless their knowledge on the topic. Or it may even shed some knowledge about the two cultures. 
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